what level of dialectics of nature are you on? check this shit out

Our previous molecular cell biology studies on altruistic phenomena suggested that altruistic self-decomposition for the greater good is universally embedded in living organisms. Our artificial life simulations also showed that by promoting evolutionary adaptation in a global environment, which has finite, heterogeneous conditions, mortal organisms with altruistic self-decomposition prosper better than immortal organisms.

cucked by immortality

In addition, we recently reported notable results showing that mortal organisms capable of self-decomposition emerged from indigenous immortal organisms through mutation; such mortal organisms survived and left behind offspring, albeit very rarely, but when they survived, they surpassed immortal organisms without exception.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This is just Lord of the Rings, Man replacing the Elves and Dwarves as the masters of the world shit.