I'm a pretty fucking underweight person (over 6 foot tall and 150 on the dot). I don't exercise much besides doing pull-ups on my door frame pull-up bar everytime I go into my kitchen, so I'm confused how I could actually lose weight while basically sitting in a chair all day

But I've heard weight gain shakes can potentially mess up your kidneys (happened to a friend of mine) and they aren't well-regulated (just kinda jampacked with all different good and bad nutrients)

Anyone know how a poor person cam gain weight?

  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I ate a donut at every meal for a while, that helped.

    Tracking calories helps.

    You can make your own mass gainers: protein powder, peanut butter, cacao, banana, and liquid (water, coconut milk, etc.)

    For cheap, calorie dense foods, there's peanut butter, soybean oil (cook everything in oil), peanuts, candy, anything fried (I like making tortilla chips).

    I think a big thing is logging your meals and making sure you're actually eating 4 a day and not just one big one.

    I'd also dedicate yourself to pull ups and the hardest pushups you can do (archer pushups, psuedo planche, dips on the inside corner of a counter), and maybe pistol squats or shrimp squats 3 sets close to failure 3x a week if you plan to gain weight, that way it'll go to muscle as well as fat and not just fat