I'm a pretty fucking underweight person (over 6 foot tall and 150 on the dot). I don't exercise much besides doing pull-ups on my door frame pull-up bar everytime I go into my kitchen, so I'm confused how I could actually lose weight while basically sitting in a chair all day

But I've heard weight gain shakes can potentially mess up your kidneys (happened to a friend of mine) and they aren't well-regulated (just kinda jampacked with all different good and bad nutrients)

Anyone know how a poor person cam gain weight?

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Do you have any food issues? I know I was chronically underweight for years because I didn't like eating since I felt low-level nausea most days. I cut back on dairy and a few other minor things over time and I'm feeling significantly better and eating is less of a chore.

    On top of that, I found some level of aerobic exercise crucial to being able to eat enough to gain weight, even just walking. It was like I needed to get my body used to using the energy I put in before it would even start to feel hungry enough to start gaining. I'm still working on it but as someone with a similar height, and at one point similar weight, that's what has worked for me.