Weebs, or imperial-core-approved-asians-number-one-baby, or someone who just got some numbers from different sources to make up this table but didn't matched up the statistics so they just put it in notes.
Sometimes I want to get some numbers like "how many pedestrians were ran over in X province", but that precise metric is not available for that region so you just get the total nubmer of traffic deaths and calculate "well everywhere else a x% of all traffic-related deaths were pedestrians being ran over, so Imma pull that number from there cuz I don't have the time to get all the police files about traffic deaths and count how many of those were pedestrians"
Weebs, or imperial-core-approved-asians-number-one-baby, or someone who just got some numbers from different sources to make up this table but didn't matched up the statistics so they just put it in notes.
Sometimes I want to get some numbers like "how many pedestrians were ran over in X province", but that precise metric is not available for that region so you just get the total nubmer of traffic deaths and calculate "well everywhere else a x% of all traffic-related deaths were pedestrians being ran over, so Imma pull that number from there cuz I don't have the time to get all the police files about traffic deaths and count how many of those were pedestrians"
Or just weebs