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  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Not a fan of Hakim's arguments here. The entire first part of his video is operating under the assumption that it would be impossible to pass UBI without seeing equivalent cuts to other social programs, which is not a form of UBI that any leftist I know would advocate for. Even Andrew Yang, who has proven time and again to be a ghoul, was proposing that his version of the UBI be paid for by taxing tech companies.

    The second set of arguments he makes don't work either. Arguing that leftists shouldn't advocate for reforms because a reform might sap the revolutionary energy of the working class is just accelerationism. You could apply this argument to literally everything, but I refuse to take the black pill that says that making things better for the poorest in our society is somehow a bad thing.

    And then in the last part of his video, he explains that UBI is good actually. What the fuck?

    • drinkinglakewater [he/him]
      3 years ago

      A common trapping I've encountered with UBI advocates is that they have an idea in their heads of what UBI could be, but a lot of them, especially the left ones, tend to overlook the current moment. I agree, UBI could be good under socialism, as could a lot of things, but we're not anywhere close to building socialism and UBI is no guarantee that socialism will happen, so we shouldn't trust the neoliberal capitalist establishment will do our work for us.