Chapochat is hexbear. c/chapotraphouse is main. main is closed. c/hexbear is about developing hexbear, nothing else. main is closed. c/feedback is for feedback about the site, unless it pertains to something that would go in c/userunion, which is for complaining and voooting on what the site is except when it was named hexbear instead of chapochat. main is closed. discussion of the podcast goes in c/podcasts or in c/chapotraphouse. c/askchapo is for asking questions, but not about the site, that goes in c/feedback. also, main is closed

  • Lord_ofThe_FLIES [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Veganism is the moral baseline, the absolute minimum. You're such a liberal that you can't even do that nor imagine more radical, wide-reaching actions and thus mistake that minimum for purity testing