and you can learn a lot from being a member of the global proletariat.

seriously, it's not that big of a deal. the people of Gaza are standing up cuz they have the shared experience of being oppressed by settler colonialism, those who benefit from colonization have zero incentive to oppose it.

  • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    9 months ago

    NOTE: reading this after writing it i notice it seems parochial and patronizing, like 'i know better, look at me!', i apologize for that sentiment and i think i'll still keep it up because i feel some of the points are conducive to more productive cooperation (as opposed to being antagonistic or trivializing)

    i think in a case such as this (regarding support, through protests, organizing, etc.) it would be prudent to defer strict judgment until sufficient data or evidence is available.

    really for any if the claims you or the folks who engaged with you made, their 'flimsy'; i.e. with a new report (trustworthy ofc) the claims you folks make could be shown to be reasonably inaccurate.

    i think it makes more sense to take the claims and platitudes made as what they are in order to appreciate it in a dialectical material way, that is, as conjecture and provisional.

    in such cases i don't think there would need be to such commitment to one's own ideas about how things are going, and they are ideas as to me there is not nearly enough evidence for the apparent degree of confidence exhumed

    to say something of substance, there is material risk for the younger folks protesting which doesn't take away treats directly, the 'latte' you mentioned, does indicate a commitment to receiving harassment (i mean with IOF bullying) or an ignorance towards it (which i find less than credible, i'd presume the protestors and folks who organize for Palestinians would have it as one of the many bits of info in their back pocket they can pull out to argue for their cause, among the atrocities they seem to very directly be committed against).

    in the event that some of what is true, do you still think it makes sense to have what i and i think others see as a negative sentiment towards folks in the imperial core who protest for Palestinians?

    argument against protestors in the imperial core/periphery

    my sense is still that as they are residents of imperial core/periphery nations, their material needs and wants will still be mostly fulfilled in the short to moderate term, they'll have food, some kind of shelter, they'll likely not die within the next few years in a way related to their support for Palestine, though they may have their work or career impacted, the most to expect is worse pay and working conditions and temporary displeasure, nothing permanent so to speak