Obviously this is gonna be a couple years down the line, so I'm looking for books, videos, tutorials, whatever that can help me get started. Preferably books, but I'll take literally anything because all i know is "seed go in dirt, water dirt"

  • D61 [any]
    3 years ago

    Off the top of my head...

    First step is to figure out basic stuff.

    How big of an area? How much rain and when? Seasons? Storms? Soil health and possibly the geology under the soil? What's your growing zone and how is that changing with the shifting climate?

    Next two things, how much labor do you have to maintain the project and what are you wanting to grow?

    Legal stuff is probably going to be super important. What is the property zoned for? How does the local city council/mayor/cheiftan/etc feel about this type of project? Is there community interest? Is there enough to sustainably support this project?