“Those shady orientals can’t do Marxism properly, like me, a free and independent thinker who would never fall for bourgeois propaganda.”

  • LeninWeave [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    but also actually the USSR was worse so we had no choice. I was like damn, this man is barely not a chud.

    lmao :yikes: I bet his trot dad owns him all the time and that's why he's this mad about it.

    "You can either have a society that doesn't work, or you can have a society that does work but is evil like China."

    Absolute extreme chauvinism is when you acknowledge that the non-western country is better, but then say it's worse anyway.

    Ultimately it just feels like that old "Democracy is the worst system of government, except for all the other ones, har har" boomer realism we've all grown up in with a fresh coat of red paint slapped on top.

    The guy who said that was a racist genocidal imperialist, too. :ukkk:

    Yeah, I just skip on any "leftist" podcast people like this participate in. I get exposed to enough social-chauvinist and social-imperialist takes as-is, I don't need to make efforts to find more.