“Those shady orientals can’t do Marxism properly, like me, a free and independent thinker who would never fall for bourgeois propaganda.”

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    it’s complete nonsense and came from nowhere

    • Communism is when everyone is poor

    • Capitalism is when a few powerful people get very nice things

    • If you are a leader in a Communist country, you are either living in squalid poverty like everyone else in your horrible backwards country. Or you are cheating the system you claim to endorse by enjoying nice things, like restaurants where people sprinkle salt on food.

    This isn't from nowhere. It's straight from the Reagan Era of discourse. What Americans are going to struggle to understand is why more and more people in Communist countries are enjoying decadent western lifestyles, while more and more Americans are living in squalid hellscapes. Eventually, someone is going to figure this shit out and spread the word. But for now, we have to keep telling ourselves "Nice restaurants like Salt Bae are only for the Elites", as though food in Vietnam isn't universally recognized as fucking amazing anywhere you get it.