By the power of nobody objecting, I am opening this count space

Trying not to game? avgn-horror Trying to do some daily exercises? sicko-biker Do you feel counting it helps? Feel free to do it here.

If you want to, you can write about your feelings and emotional states as well.

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
    6 months ago

    ablelist words, suicide but not like serious,


    i need to stop saying "stupid" and "braindead" and "fucking kill me" and "im gonna kill myself" irl when im upset. its kinda hard. like ill drop something and say "im gonna fucking kill myself" and i call chuds stupid all the time but i should stop.

    its hard ive said these things like everyday. its off putting and the last two upset my partner.

    • material_delinquent
      6 months ago

      Oh yeah, I need to get some of them out of my habits as well.