Green is Boric (the only good leftist here), Yellow is a centrist, and Blue and Pink are far-right essentially. Seriously can anyone explain why parisi is so popular this is devastating, he hasnt even stepped foot on Chile.

  • Cherufe [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My guess (Which isnt worth that much since I really understimated Kast) is that is a "Big city vs rest of the country type of thing"

    That little green area at the top of the middle image is where about 45% of the population lives, with Santiago being the biggest city. There is a saying that "Santiago is Chile" because everythinsg and everyone is there, and Boric did fairly well there, winning Santiago by 6% in a very crowded field.

    He lost the south (rest of the middle image and the left image), but that was expected because thats a more rural area that has always voted for the right. Some people says that Kast won there because of the conflicts in Araucanía, where he proposes using the military to squash the mapuches, but Kast was going to win the south anyway.

    That leaves the north (left image) where wtf Parisi won a lot of cities that guy isnt even living in Chile he did all of his campaign from the USA. Also there is a migrant crisis in the northern border and Kast campaigned on being though on inmigration so he did pretty good in areas that are not so traditionally right wing.

    • Sonnenvogel [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Borics vote share in the election and the overall votes in the leftist primary are almost exactly the same (1,8 million vs 1,7) so evidently Boric just didnt connect at all to greater society (outside of the already self identified and active leftist people). There are a lot if important factors like higher age, lower education status and "rurality" which Boric failed to capture. Its probably just bceause Borics issue and campaign didnt connect with the issues of the people, obviously the media played their part in this, but people just care about a return to normalcy and stability, end to the migrant crisis, crime, inflation, jobs etc. and Boric basically has nothing to offer here