Green is Boric (the only good leftist here), Yellow is a centrist, and Blue and Pink are far-right essentially. Seriously can anyone explain why parisi is so popular this is devastating, he hasnt even stepped foot on Chile.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Electoral maps that don't reflect population density are worthless (that's how Trump thought he was so popular, by looking at maps that showed all these rural counties with hardly anyone there that voted for him). Even moreso for a place like Chile, where as Cherufe pointed out below that Santiago is 45% of the population of the country.

    That said Boric certainly has an uphill struggle in the next round, it would seem.

    • Sonnenvogel [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah its not about the sheer amount of votes boric got but from where: Parisi and kast completely dominated the Far North, which is supposed to be and has until recently always been the bastion of the left and the working class, and its not looking good in the south either. Boric only being able to win in Santiago and the big cities is devastating

      • Garbagestunts [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Trump took MI, PA, WI, which he was not supposed to be able to do. When you look at the county by county maps, the rural people showed up in droves and simply outvoted the cities. Everyone in the big metropolises went for Hillary, especially Washington DC.