NoBoDy WaNtS To WoRk AnYmOrE!!

“…knows how to have a good time. That's what the owners are counting on as they try to reach out to potential new employees…”

  • You think people seeking employment/wages are concerned with having “…a good time”? Lol I can tell these small business tyrants have no idea how to run a business and are showing pity for their own bad business practices and reflecting it onto their community. Shifting the blame. “PEoPlE JuSt DoNt WaNt To WoRk AnYmOrE!!!! 😢😣😔”

“At the same time, to keep a full taproom, you need to have good people working for you. The Batemans tell News 3 that social media creativity has helped in that regard…”

  • The Batemans are going to need more than just cringe “creativity” if they want to attract and keep labor. Maybe they should use Fortnite!!!!

“A brewery determined to build its numbers on both sides of the counter and find success by any means necessary…”

  • “labor shortage”, “worker shortage”, etc. etc. all buzzwords for small business tyrants to shift the blame for lack of business revenue onto the worker. It’s free market economics 101: if you want to attract, keep, and maintain employees, you have to offer competitive wages. This isn’t a left/right issue, it’s simple economics. And if you’re a small business owner and you expect your employees to show up to work every day and exert the same exact passion for the business as you do (the business owner), then you probably shouldn’t be in business to begin with. Labor is a business expense, and when you try and cut corners, especially in today’s labor market, you’re going to fail hard. Wouldn’t be surprised if these people close down in a couple months
  • Puggo [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The article is literally just the headline and the first paragraph. You could cut out the rest and the point of the article would still be there. This is just blatant advertising for a company under the guise of "news," which, I guess isn't really too surprising; however, it's just pathetic that all this article amounts to is essentially sharing the brewery's quirky instagram video and then fluff it up with meaningless quotes from the owners.