Nick Land's drugs got him there well before everyone else, but I'm talking about the right wing cranks such as Big Yud that have kept up a mask of "grey tribe" pretenses, said stupid stale memes like "politics is the mind killer," and worshipped billionaires as the more radiant energy beings they are, being of the sky while we are of the dirt.

Sure, it seemed inevitable all along, especially when billionaires started outright buying ownership stakes in "futurology" conventions. It got especially creepy when the United States Department of Defense openly peddled contractor wares in such places.

It isn't fun being the Cassandra, seeing it happening in real time, warning people, then getting laughed off about it. I've lost real life friends to this stuff, people that were superficially just open minded and quirky in college but now wear the metaphorical armband and goosestep to wherever Sam Harris or other crypto-bigoted cranks tell them to go.

  • Owl [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I ended up following a splinter group of the rationalist community that was fairly left-leaning and generally pretty decent overall, so most of this transformation was invisible to me.

    But something snapped within the last year, and not only are a bunch of them more right-wing than they ever were before, but suddenly half of them are okay with vaccine denialism. And just... how can you possibly take part in a "rationalist" community that accepts that level of crank shit.

    • Owl [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Also Yudkowsky is going to turn into a communist. It's going to take him way too long (guessing between 10 and 20 years from now), it's going to be hilarious watching him try to rationalize why it took so long, and even better when he starts blogging again to mythologize how great and smart he is for finally changing his mind.

      This is a far advance prediction of a detailed hypothesis with seemingly low probability, so, when it turns out I'm right, all the rationalist crowd has to bow to my wisdom, because those are the established rules.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I'm going to take an even edgier position.

        He's already a Marxist, but doesn't realise he's accidentally reinventing Dialectical analysis in the slowest way possible while holding his fingers in his ears yelling "lalalalala I'm developing positivism actually!"

        I reckon he's going to basically write State and Revolution in 15 years but it'll be called something absurd like "The rational sword cuts only the rotten beams of the cathedral"

        • Owl [he/him]
          3 years ago


          You should write that! I know you've got the theory background, and you clearly know how to write in the rationalist lingo. You could write a rational!StateAndRev under a Definitely Not A Yudkowsky Alt pseudonym, post it on /r/rational, and convert a bunch of tech weirdoes to the cause.

          • Mardoniush [she/her]
            3 years ago

            I could do it, but could I ever feel clean again?

            Edit: also, is this accelerationism?

            • Owl [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I could do it, but could I ever feel clean again?

              Alas. If only there was a Dirt_Mardoniush.

              also, is this accelerationism?

              Nah, this is a false flag. Accelerationism would be if you somehow increased the rate of the natural process by which the contradictions in the rationalist community manifests. Giving Yudkowsky a brick of cocaine, I guess.

              • Mardoniush [she/her]
                3 years ago

                Honestly I think drugging him with Peyote for 3 weeks straight would do him a world of good.

                • Owl [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  Would you characterize this plan as more of a road trip movie, or more of a heist movie?

                  Relevantly, I'm a good driver and have some unpublished major advancements in AI that we could use as bait.

        • FidelCashflow [he/him]
          3 years ago

          His self insert fanfic character is clearly a maoist. When I asked about this people got upset.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm not so sure Big Yud will truly go communist, even in a superficial way.

        I've suffered enough of his tweets where even his flirtation with Marxist ideas seems more like being contrarian for the sake of seeming smart, which is his entire brand, including his Harry Potter fanfiction.

        • Owl [he/him]
          3 years ago

          It is meant to be a provocative prediction!

          But I read one of his more recent fiction works, and he's very clearly spending a lot of time trying to figure out what capitalism doesn't work, despite markets being so magical and special. And I'm estimating it'll take him about 10-20 years to exhaust every possible idea that isn't "private ownership is a sham."

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Has he entertained the idea that maybe his billionaire buddies aren't actually particularly brilliant and radiant and illusions of being so are just the designer drugs and unchecked egomania talking (his and theirs)?

      • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        It was incredibly frustrating when in HPMOR he talked about need to decapitate local brand of Nazis, how established political interests need to smear everyone good, and how the hierarchies are always seeming much more just for those at the top than for those at the bottom, and then turning around and talking shit about historical revolutions. It was very :LIB: shit.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They're held together by billionaire worship, fantasies of superpowers and living forever, a paradoxically stagnant and nostalgic view of how society should be arranged, and ironically a fear of change (to class systems, to their current privileges, to things being less "normal" in the future except those precious gizmos).