Oof and here I am thinking telling people I play vibeo bames (mobas) with , that when they suck and think they're good and blame me but their suckage is so bad it drags me and the rest of the team down, to mouthhug a shotgun and tickle the trigger with their toes until it sneezes was bad (no idea what was said just thought explicit wishes of death was frowned upon)
drown in a septic tank
Oof and here I am thinking telling people I play vibeo bames (mobas) with , that when they suck and think they're good and blame me but their suckage is so bad it drags me and the rest of the team down, to mouthhug a shotgun and tickle the trigger with their toes until it sneezes was bad (no idea what was said just thought explicit wishes of death was frowned upon)
that's a p good one tbh.
and yeah idk, i just post here. nobody has complained about it yet!
or maybe all my comments get removed and i just don't notice
Just what red fash hexchans would do smh (shaking my hands [why? Idk...])