Movie Paul from 2011 is getting so many downloads for some reason 480.73.

Anyone have an explantion as to why?

    6 months ago

    Perhaps some Youtube's done a video on it... I feel like I've seen a headline or link saying something like "Why Paul is underrated" recently.

    I didn't know there was an extended version, do the extra 6 minutes add anything? Maybe not

      • xor [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        720 is dvd quality... which is good enough for most people... plus the file size is much smaller... plus a lot of people watch shit on their phones anyways

    6 months ago

    Honestly, I don’t even remember it being that funny. I haven’t gave it a second thought since its release. The power of social media marketing, I guess.

    If you’ve never seen Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, I’d encourage you instead to take a look at Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz, both really good movies.