Just wondering what people’s opinions on those games are

  • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    I really like them. There's a bit of "Communism bad" stuff in the first two games although you can easily interpret it as the Communist faction being more of a LARPy militia who are mostly aesthetic, and in Exodus there are conversations in which the canonically smartest member of your group distributes Maoist theory which is surprisingly based. The second one also lets you liberate a Neo Nazi death camp which is definitely cathartic.

    Beyond the political side I'm generally a sucker for the vibe of them, and it's cool to see an apocalyptic setting that isn't America for a change. The fact that it portrays the majority of Russian survivors of a nuclear war in a sympathetic light is a much needed antidote to the Russophobia in a lot of modern military shooters IMO

      • Woly [any]
        4 years ago

        I think it's fair to say that while 'The Reds' were the primary villains in the first two stories, Metro makes them out to just be another group of organized thugs. It's like, they weren't evil because they were following the tennets of communism, they were just evil.

    • Sentnear [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, I just finished the first two found them really good, especially the horror elements, general suspense and world building. Also really liked the spiritual kind of stuff. Shame that it is a bit enlightened centrist but I was able to ignore that

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I always liked the first game best since I found it to be more subtle. The whole to get the Good Ending was a neat way to convey the game's theme but wasn't too obvious, I think more games should do stuff like that. The world-building was also pretty neat with the various factions.

  • barnaba [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I played the first and the second game.

    As someone who read the books right before playing - I didn't much like the way they treated source material, especially the second game.

    As someone who doesn't really play modern AAA games, I didn't like it that much tbh. The stealth felt buggy and the levels felt very linear (which was kinda ok with me, as I often get lost in 3d levels). The checkpoint system was very annoying and would often autosave you in a bad situation (say after you wasted too many consumables and are now out of ammo, or haven't brought that one weapon good for the enemy you're facing etc). There's a lot of segments in which you don't even get to move (on rails or boats) which are super boring, and some scripted fails (sequences in which you fail combat no matter what because the game wants you to). Guns are kinda boring and not great fun to shoot or upgrade. Like I said, I have zero experience with modern FPSes (only recent-ish games I've played are CS:GO and Borderlands 2, and I didn't love borderlands either) though and mostly play indie and retro bs, so I have little comparison to anything.

    I'm not sad that I played it but I'm happy I don't own it and wasn't too mad when the third one was an epic exclusive without linux support. It's OK I guess if you think you'll enjoy the theme.

  • RenaiCirculation [any]
    4 years ago

    I honestly loved all 3 of them despite their flaws. Mostly the handholding and jank gunplay of the first two.

    Iirc the first was about the cycle of hatred I think. 2nd was like how people are still being dicks towards each other, and I don't think there was a cohesive theme in Exodus.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The jank gunplay is my JAM. Especially if you play on Ranger.

      It feels like actually shooting something, because the gun is very powerful but hard to aim. Blasting Watchmen with a revolver? Amazing. Finally unloading your pre-war AK rounds into something tough? Exquisite.

      Warning: there are 1 or 2 dumb-fuck cutscenes with quick time events and Ranger mode doesn't tell you that you're supposed to hit a button.

  • mutantIke [they/them]
    4 years ago

    the books are extremely based and good and the games are too even if the first one was really strange gameplay wise

  • WittyProfileName [she/her]
    4 years ago

    The sex scene in Metro last light felt really forced and came out of nowhere. Aside from that and the communism and Nazism is the same crap, I enjoyed it.