The linked /r/antiwork thread has direct links to the applications on Kellogg's hiring site.

Another good piece of info: MS Edge auto fills 90% of the form after you fill it once.

Make porky regret their decision, comrades :red-fist:

EDIT: Some comrades (namely @AncomCosmonaut) expanded on this:

You should change name and phone number slightly, I’d be surprised if there isnt a duplication check in their enrollment process

Fake Filler is a firefox plugin which will auto populate forms with different data with one shortcut! ctrl + shift + f for me. It’ll be harder to spot as dud data as there wont be loads of duplicates

  • fuckiforgotmypasswor [comrade/them,any]
    3 years ago

    looking at that application page was so, so fucking depressing. click it you damn liberals

    if you want to laugh/cry at their Kellogg K Values (whatever the fuck that means), i enjoyed the part where their pork faced CEO said

    "We at Kellogg are committed to continuing our founder’s legacy by doing everything we can to leave the world a better place than we found it."

    i guess "by firing all of our striking workers" is just implied there

    also fucking lol at

    We Act With Integrity And Show Respect Demonstrate a commitment to integrity and ethics Show respect for and value all individuals for their diverse backgrounds, experiences, styles, approaches, and ideas Listen to others for understanding Assume positive intent
