I see people asking why this is happening. I figured I’d give a quick update.

For those who don’t know, Capcom is a family business. Has been for a very long time. It’s a father/son combo with many of their leads being part of this circle of trust.

About 5-10 years ago the dad started passing more and more tasks off to his son, grooming him to be the successor. This got jumped forward when a lot of the dad’s projects which involved western studios failed.

The son is the one who brought the company forward, he’s the guy behind MonHun. He’s the one who pushed for new Street Fighter/DD2/return to the roots.

And things were going well!

And then during a major tournament one of the hosts/streamers was using a naked Chun Li mod. And it showed up everywhere.

Now for a normal company you’d expect a ha ha whoops and the streamer might get banned. This however blew up in Japan big time. The dad and the board apparently stripped the son and his friends of most of their ability to influence things. They’ve had a few behind the scenes since where it’s all but said they will not allow modding in any of their games going forward.

The father has completely taken control of the company again and apparently has zero faith in the younger leads anymore. Fully expect Capcom to go back off the rails again until things cool down. But having one of their major IPs/characters get disgraced in this way killed all the goodwill/progress.

I would not be surprised if Capcom games get removed from GoG in the near future also. Or at the very least stop showing up on GoG.

This isn’t about DRM. Capcom doesn’t care about that. He’ll, their old games are already cracked. They want to destroy the modding community, and make it so yeah you could download the pirated version but nobody is going to be upkeeping these mods anymore because they won’t work. There has also been rumblings they may attempt to sue many of the mod creators. So expect mods to go down mysteriously.

Don’t expect Capcom to make good business decisions for awhile, and I hope you didn’t like any of their IPs.

It could very well be some redditor's Capcom exec fanfic, as they had a whole long presentation last year about how they want to have more DRM solutions in their games, but it would be really funny if the Chun Li incident going all the way up the chain to some crusty old Japanese executive caused all this

  • @fuzzy
    5 months ago

    I can confirm the cultural aspects behind what this redditor is saying. In Japan, it's considered very shameful to create and distribute imagery of popular characters in naked or other compromising situations. Chun-Li is famous for not having any erotic art drawn of her, out of Respect for the Capcom executives.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Disregarding this rando redditor's deep insider knowledge, there's somewhat of a precedent for corpo attitudes like this in Japan- the Dead or Alive publisher, for example, has always hated nude mods in their games despite them being half softcore jiggle porn. I recall they even asked the PC community to not make morally offensive mods or something when the DOA5's PC port released.

      While there's no shortage of hentai depicting popular characters in Japan and a booming market for it, I guess publishers see mods in their games differently from horny drawings

      • @fuzzy
        5 months ago

        the Dead or Alive publisher

        it was the developer, and their request was "We would like to ask PC users to play our game in good moral and manner. Otherwise, we won't be able to release a title for PC again." (https://www.pcgamer.com/team-ninja-warns-modders-to-be-good-and-moral-with-dead-or-alive-5/)

        DOA5 got a bunch of mods and DOA6 got a PC release regardless.

        I guess publishers see mods in their games differently from horny drawings

        unless you actually have have evidence that this is a real thing (it isn't) then you shouldn't be saying it

        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          I suppose there was the Capcom presentation last year where their slides about modding mentioned how mods could cause reputational damage

  • Annoyed_🦀 🏅@monyet.cc
    5 months ago

    First they said capcom is a family business, then they said the company had some behind the scene decision making after the mod incident, then they able to recount what really happened behind the scene.

    Bullshit? Bullshit.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Love to run my international media publisher worth billions of dollars as a family business

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Listen, I've played Tekken, I know how this shit works smuglord

      You inherit the company from your dad after you throw him off a cliff once you beat him in a climactic karate fight

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]
    5 months ago

    There are 3 Tsujimoto's on the board of directors, so at least that part lines up. And Ryozo Tsujimoto (the youngest) is the series producer of Monster Hunter since MHF2 (so like PSP days).
