Boric will be the definition of critical support around here lol. A man of contradictions.
I am choosing to be optimistic. I am hoping that his comments on Cuba, Venezuela, et al were a lot of talk meant to placate libs that he needed in order to win. Ultimately action is what's important, so long as he doesn't toe the US imperialist line with actions like going along with embargoes, I think he's gonna be ok.
Politicians don't pretend to be right wing, they pretend to be left. This dude will be a socdem at best.
not even as contradictory as ie amlo, lula, xiomara castro, fernandez, ortega, etc etc but for some reason the contrarian line (don’t mean this perjoratively! i think its wrong but its not a personal attack) really took hold this time
This made the debates soo painful to watch, a lot of it was Kast saying "sure you say that Im bad and support Pinochet but Im not the one that took a picture with that t shirt and visited a terrorist". It was the most hamfisted both sides imaginable
"Excuse me, Mr Reptile, sir, are you aware that bombing far right senators is exactly what the cool kids call 'based'"
"I was young and didnt know any better, it was a mistake and it wont happen again"
me making a mistake: 'five minutes ago i was younger and didnt know any better, it was a mistake and it wont happen again'
ok my guy is a bit more than a sucdem, i will not disparage him in that way