Kids are hardwired to love learning, they will never stop asking questions and exploring the world.

Schools quash that curious spirit. They put kids in a boring, prison-like, highly regimented environment that seeks to teach discipline and obedience to the status quo. Don't think, accept your role in the capitalist machine. If you are bullied, no one will help you, but if you fail to complete work you will be punished. Most of all, get used to not owning most of your time.

Take note of this and try to rekindle your child-like curiousity and love of learning. Ask yourself, do you still have questions about the universe you forgot to ask as a child? Read about the planets, the stars, microbes, machines. But most importantly, do it at your own pace and do it because you still have questions. Not to pass some test, but for you.

  • Melon [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    In all fairness, current American education standards are very oppressive for kids with ADHD (usually underdiagnosed and overdiagnosed simultaneously in the USA because teachers don't receive training to really know what it is). It's often difficult for those with learning disabilities to adequately describe why they suddenly lost a lot of interest in learning, all they know is that there was some period where the expectations absolutely destroyed them and their self esteem and they never had the support they needed to learn productively. It's instead an unknown force for them, and they're left feeling like their potential was squandered as a child.

    That's my suspicion for OP and most others that agitate on this issue despite how hugely beneficial public education tends to be (Republicans defund it for a reason!). They are bringing up a legitimate issue, even though on the surface it's little more than a juvenile rambling about how homework is bad. They and millions of others had a real struggle that the Taylorist powers-that-be did not help with.

    The real solutions to teaching kids with ADHD and other learning disorders are beyond me since I'm just a bullshitter on the internet, but I know effective methods are out there. There are, unfortunately, no magical shortcuts. The solution would never be the 24/7 Montessori recess people want to imagine.