Here is the link to the tweet

Here are more heinous tweets from him:





If you scroll from the original tweet you can see absolute filth and depravity from his ilk. Reader beware, it is awful. I never thought these NAFO fucks would show their ass in public but here we are.

  • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    So, anyway, I was at this party minding my own business when this woman went batshit crazy because I was harassing her about her nationality and showed her a video of people from her country being killed and told her I was really happy about this because I don't view them as people and that I'm personally supporting this financially! Can you believe that shit? She was fucking hysterical! Just crazy, crazy woman. Ruined the party for me.

      9 months ago

      “Can’t believe I got thrown out for calling a woman a slur and showing her snuff! What ever happened to free speech?! Messed up world we live in fellas…”

        9 months ago

        His entire plan seemed to be to bait her into saying something pro-russian or otherwise racist so he could push the "Russians are naturally evil" angle. You can tell from his tweets that he is livid that it didn't work.

    9 months ago

    I love this genre of tweet where fascists tell on themselves being so antisocial and unpleasant that they regularly get kicked out of events. He doesn't even have the excuse of holding unpopular opinions. He just expresses them so obnoxiously and dangerously that his presence can't be tolerated. And he has the gall to complain that she should have been kicked out instead for "supporting Russia." My brother in Christ, you are harassing a woman minding her own business, probably calling her a "blyatnik" IRL very loudly.

    Speaking of telling on themselves, he assumes she's Ukrainian because she's from Crimea, a (former) region of Ukraine that has long been home to many, many ethnic Russians. His head is so far up his ass he's a one-man human centipede.

    9 months ago

    I hate these pieces of shit so much. If they could, they'd shoot Russians and "traitor Ukranians" on sight because they can't fucking stand that they even exist.

    It's the way that he's clearly deranged but still thinks he's the hero of the situation that gets me.

      9 months ago

      This is what propels nazis. They long for a world where they can freely express their douchbaggery and evilness in public against other people and be praised for that. For comparison look at the Kristallnacht photos, 100% the same energy.

      9 months ago

      This man actually wants to drone strike people who disagree with him and his fellas. I’m not even joking…

    9 months ago

    something similar happened recently in Lithuania, two fascists were harassing a middle aged woman for "speaking russian" on the bus, turns out she was a ukrainian immigrant woman speaking her language.

    not only west europe doing the fascist route, east is also embracing fascism at alarming rates

      9 months ago

      I'm Lithuanian and the fascism has been bubbling up for a long time. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people you come across are not fascist but the government itself is a lapdog of the US and pushes fascist rhetoric on the workers through things like the media. They also glorify Nazi collaborators as freedom fighters who fought against the evil Soviets.

    9 months ago

    being such a weirdo that you get thrown out of an event is extremely on-brand for NAFO losers. Damn imagine knowing and interacting with this person on a daily basis. nightmare shit

      9 months ago

      Assuming he's not lying about any of this, this guy sounds like a genuine lunatic. So he spent roughly an hour throwing a temper tantrum and showing people videos of drone strikes until it got to the point that they had to ask him to leave. Now he's getting his internet buddies to review bomb the place as if he's the victim

        9 months ago

        He was literally showing her, and supposedly others, snuff videos. No shit he’d get thrown out! The absolute hubris of these freaks…

        9 months ago

        Hmm the only ones calling the Ukrainian war a genocide are the usual western suspects. Those very same people are very silent regarding support for Gaza and Yemen.

        • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
          9 months ago

          very silent regarding support for Gaza

          Hardly; they've made their support for Israel extremely loud and clear, and the irony is entirely lost on them (nor does it make them grateful Russia's being so generous with Ukraine for not fighting this war like the US government would).

          9 months ago

          Fun fact! My history professor seems to regard the Ukraine war as a genocide but for some reason hesitates to label what Israel is doing as genocidal. My Political science professor has also made comments about “Ukrainian genocide” so thats cool too…

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Oh, and this reminds me of that time the brit youtuber "Sargon of Akkad" tried to run for some sort of political office: His personality is so offputting as a result of having been formed entirely on the internet that even people who agree with his opinions just went "what the fuck is wrong with this guy", and he ended up barely getting any votes at all.

        9 months ago

        I remember the time he got flak for saying

        CW: SA reference

        "I wouldn't even rape you"

        about some britbong public figure and defended himself by being like "Wot? I said I wouldn't do it so everything's kosher".

    9 months ago

    As if Marxists needed more Anti-ukraine talking point ammo, ukraine supporters are like 40% just losers online that have put aside any hope of getting a girlfriend in exchange for trolling online in favor of the most neolib, genocidal nations on Earth. They hide behind Bandera (not even a good point to hide behind lmfao) and talk about Russia like it’s the only nation to have civilian casualties its fucking ridiculous.