My cat (the liberal one from before? TBD) might also be a reactionary interventionist. I was petting them and then they swattted my hand (reactionary sympathy?) and so I put my hand in my sleeve to protect my hand but then because I tried to protect my hand the cat got irritated and left and I think this is like imposing sanctions? I know it seems minor but I’m really worried this is a sign of a deeper ideological framework that I can’t agree with. They’re a white cat which makes this all the harder to figure out because I feel like maybe they’re not aware of the privilege this gives them. I feel like they’ve encountered white supremicist ideas (“unlucky” black cats) and I should decolonize them of this harmful ideology? I’ve addressed colonial attitudes in other animals before (chameleons, for their color changing) but never a mammal.

Any tips are appreciated,
~A concerned owner of a re”cat”ionary pet