You get anything nice? Give anything nice? Did you abstain? My stepdad got me some thigh highs and a lockpick set, and my sister got me a lush gift box. I got nothing from my partners though :(

My brother didn't want gifts because of the consumerist superficiality, so I donated to the victims of capitalism foundation in his name. I made my mom some plantain salve. My sister got "Woke Baby" since she's preggers.

Did you get anything absolutely awful? Either spiteful or just a bad gift?

      • discontinuuity [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Received. I explicitly asked for MFP merch. My family is really bad at buying gifts so now we just pass around our wish lists. We also have to coordinate to make sure no one is buying the same thing, after that one time one of my relatives got 4 copies of Forest Gump.