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    6 months ago

    NASA isn't just "goofy space nerds," though. Their legacy dates back to "Nazi rocketry nerds," and from there it's "progressed" to simply being "genocidal imperialist rocketry/satellite nerds."

    The current US rhetoric (which is nothing new- now it's Biden, just a few years ago it was Trump with "Space Force," before that it was the now-defunct "Star Wars" program, etc) and the close collaborations with the MIC are all examples of what US aerospace development seeks to offer the world- death, destruction, and hegemony.

    Like it or not- science may not have borders, but the industries that further it absolutely do- and the US (and the west in general) has never hesitated to exploit these issues, and use them to sabotage, threaten, or destroy other nations. NASA is "less bad" than the US simply investing all it has in doomsday weapons or actual military operations, sure, but I don't wish them any luck- rather the opposite- all the same.