Two sides I have seen:

For: Dislocated proletariat is the moving force of history that renew the dying material world. The people are the ones who create history. The revolutionaries will come between the chaos and guide the dislocated people to a better path, each time a better world.

The dishearted and unawakened must know that history is about revolution, and we walk on the path of history without hesitation. A lot of people project the duality of the present state unto the future. As to make the future uncertain. Wrong, there is only one future. The end is the past, but the future is the beginning. Therefore a true communist should not be discouraged and fall into nihlism, because the future is determined. The only thing left for us to do is fight.

Against: The future is not determined yet. A materialist or anyone who claims to be a communist will not hold this idea. It results in waiting, waiting for the time, waiting for the proletarian “wake” and have “classes conscious”. This is a kantian leftist, not a hegelian leftist. We don’t believe that there is a decided, unchanged future “waiting ” for us. The only thing it lead to is the economy determinism like Ti1. For Lenin in 1917, there is no big other can say that the revolution will succeeded. Future determines past by the mediation of subjects’ practice.

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    3 years ago

    No. Marx's prediction was contingent on an analysis of somewhat idealized capitalism of the 19th century. He successfully plotted out a lot of true predictions, but the beast has adapted and expanded against the opposing force (labor) repeatedly and became particularly successful at psychological manipulation, something Marx didn't anticipate having the capacity to trump material conditions.

    The basic dynamics are all there that create class conflict and push people left, but capital creates effective recuperation a and forms of fascism in response to that so it's not cut-and-dry. It is and will be a struggle, which is not to say futile. The future is ripe for our taking (but it won't be easy).

    We should all be joining orgs, recruiting, and frankly arming for self-defense/community defense . The violence will visit us before we are a majority.