badtakes [he/him]

  • 17 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2021


  • I disagree that "identity" is distancing from essentialism because we use descriptors all the time without implying that those characteristics are essential. People don't need to say "Bob identifies as a teacher" in order to clarify that they belive that teacher isn't an essential quality of Bob. I thought the opposite, that identity is sanitizing hierarchies like race and gender by implying that an individual is not coerced into comforming to a certain social category. Other replies in this thread prove the point perfectly. This is because "identity" here is often associated with "identify", and with "identify" it suggests that the subject is choosing the social category they belong in and accepts all the connotations that come with it. Its emblemic of the kind of amoral "postmodernism" where the status quo is simply deconstructed neutrally with the intention to describe, lacking a strong critique or even a recognition of the grave injustice of the situation. Honestly, I get the impression that the kind of academics who donate to Kamala's campaign simply don't care and are very comfortable with the status quo.

  • badtakes [he/him]
    topoliticsIs zizek ok?
    2 years ago

    So we should recommend that the international community carries out a castrative operation on Russia — ignoring and marginalizing them as much as possible, making it sure that afterwards, nothing else will grow of their global authority.

  • badtakes [he/him]
    topoliticsIs zizek ok?
    2 years ago

    Obviously this doesn't discredit the great contributions zizek has made to leftist theory and philosophy, but man this guy is a deranged grifter sometimes

  • badtakes [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 5
    2 years ago

    crazy theory: It appears on the surface that the majority of the Russian land forces have not committed to the offensive, yet they are attacking everywhere across ukraine. This is strange because if russia didnt want to commit major forces in this war, then they wouldve done something much smaller in ldnr. Yet everything indicates this is a full blown invasion of the entirety of Ukraine. I think that what is actually happening is that through the initial airstrikes and electronic warfare, ukrainian c4isr is completely fucked and they are essentially blind. Then, the majority of russian forces have gone directly through the frontlines and are encircling and cutting off the bulk of ukrainians currently thinking they are fighting the main russian forces on the frontline.

    evidence: russian troops popping up out of nowhere, such as in lviv

  • badtakes [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 5
    2 years ago

    no, I think whats actually happening is russia crippled ukrainian cs4isr and the main russian forces are literally undetected by the ukrainian army. There were russians popping out of nowhere at Lviv, which is in westernmost ukraine.

  • the drastic disparity between the first soviet astronaut in space and the first american astronaut in space is hilarious. the americans did the bare minimum by strapping the capsule on a glorified missile and launched it straight up so that it barely crossed what qualified as space and then fell straight back down, while the soviets reached space, but also accelerating the spacecraft to over 20 times the speed of sound so that it stays there indefinitely in a stable orbit.

  • badtakes [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 4
    2 years ago

    I'm very skeptical of geopolitics as a valid means of analysis. Yeah, let's just assume nation-states are rational actors who will pursue some arbritrary interests and come up with 10d chess strategies in order to achieve their aims. Class conflict? Is that a country or something? Never heard of it before.

  • badtakes [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 4
    2 years ago

    thats just wrong, nato never had to be justified. even after the ussr dissolved and Russia fell on its knees it didn't go away. if anything this is a complete disaster for us and nato because it's showing they no longer have the hard power to maintain their hegemony. Russia called their bluff, and indeed NATO was a paper tiger all along.

  • badtakes [he/him]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 4
    2 years ago

    Does anyone even know what conventional warfare between Russia/NATO/China would even looks like? Seems like it would be fucking insane. The last time such conflicts occured were the world wars. I would be surprised if any militaries are truly prepared for such a possibility.