I made a double whiskey oldfashioned a little bit ago. Now I'm having a green tea with thc/cbd infused honey. :comfy-cool:
I hope everyone is having a good night. :meow-hug:
I made a double whiskey oldfashioned a little bit ago. Now I'm having a green tea with thc/cbd infused honey. :comfy-cool:
I hope everyone is having a good night. :meow-hug:
Thank you, friend. And thank you for the post. This sort of light, community engagement post means a lot.
Yeah it can't all be doomscrolling and dunks. Sometimes you need to have a little space to breathe. I've been inspired by @Tervell to make more posts. Him sharing the weird things he finds interesting has sort of become one of my favorite parts of visiting this site.
It is working and appreciated.