I made a double whiskey oldfashioned a little bit ago. Now I'm having a green tea with thc/cbd infused honey. :comfy-cool:
I hope everyone is having a good night. :meow-hug:
I made a double whiskey oldfashioned a little bit ago. Now I'm having a green tea with thc/cbd infused honey. :comfy-cool:
I hope everyone is having a good night. :meow-hug:
Just cracked a seasonal local dubbel. I like a tripel but I think they're harder to do well, a nice dubbel is a good medium fancy drink.
Drinking local is always the best. Not only are you keeping your cash local and out of some corps bank account for longer. But the beer is fresher, and fresh beer is usually the best beer*.
*Property aged beers don't apply
Yeah I just moved to a town with a brewery that only does Belgian beers and makes some of the most reliably great beers in the province :stalin-approval: