Catalhoyuk was one of the oldest cities in the world, and a very large one at that. It existed from approximately 7500 BC to 6400 BC, and flourished around 7000 BC. Its population was estimated at An average population of between 5,000 and 7,000, with 10,000 being a possible upper limit. In July 2012, it was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Catalhoyuk was composed entirely of domestic buildings, with no obvious public buildings. While some of the larger ones have rather ornate murals, the purpose of some rooms remains unclear. The sites themselves consisted of large numbers of buildings where residents traded with and married with each other. Their mud-brick houses were crammed together in such a way that there were no forms of streets between the buildings. In order to navigate around each other, exits were made via holes in the roofs and walls, with the rooftops of the buildings forming a type of street.

The buildings themselves were kept pretty clean, and archaeologists identified very little rubbish in the buildings. The residents even had a seperate area for disposal of sewage and food waste, and this area also contained ash from burning wood, reeds and animal dung. In good weather, many daily activities may also have taken place on the rooftops, which may have formed a plaza. In later periods, large communal ovens appear to have been built on these rooftops. Over time, houses were renewed by partial demolition and rebuilding on a foundation of rubble, which was how the mound was gradually built up. As many as eighteen levels of settlement have been uncovered.

As part of their rituals, residents buried their dead within the Catalhoyuk. Human remains have been found in pits beneath the floors and, especially, beneath hearths, the platforms within the main rooms, and under beds. Bodies were tightly flexed before burial and were often placed in baskets or wound and wrapped in reed mats. Some skulls were plastered and painted with ochre to recreate faces, a custom more characteristic of Neolithic sites in Syria and at Neolithic Jericho than at sites closer by.

Çatalhöyük has strong evidence of an egalitarian society, as no houses with distinctive features have been found so far. The most recent investigations also reveal little social distinction based on gender, with men and women receiving equivalent nutrition and seeming to have equal social status, as typically found in Paleolithic cultures. check out this mega about a fellow comrades new game they made themselves and give it support

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  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Nightly pity posting but sometimes I be feeling like I'm just growing into my eventual fate as a straight up hermit. I've been reminiscing a lot on my life lately since statistically people with my background are already half dead and it doesn't really help me to understand all the bad things that have happened to me because it doesn't change the reality of what my present is, which when taken in the most "objective" sense is really quite sad.

    I feel unfulfilled in general and I think some of that is normal alienation as described by Marx but I also feel that I haven't really lived life at all. I keep remembering that people my age, 26, are already adults and sometimes have kids, are married and have had a wealth of experiences and the bulk of my memories are just playing video games as a kid for 8 hours a day before going to school and getting dunked on by everyone and everything and having home be only marginally better and then my adolescence was just severe depression and mental illness, and I frequently have trouble sussing out how much of my mistakes and failings both as an adolescent and young adult were conscious decisions or actions that I was pushed towards due to my various traumas.

    I have met other people who have had even worse lives than I have who have lived more than I have, so I often feel that I just have some innate weakness, some torpor that precludes me from ever reaching a fully human, authentic existence. It just bothers me knowing there are literal children who have experienced far more in like 15, 16, 17 years than I have in 26.

    I have had my old therapist insinuate that I am the way I am because my upbringing was not normal but at the same time I have to wonder if I just missed something. I've had a few people ask me if I'm on the autism spectrum but that never sat right with me, and beyond the proclivity towards a maudlin disposition I don't think I'm all that neurodivergent. Like, even serial killers like Leonard Lake had friends. Wtf am I doing? I'm not even sure it bothers me anymore, but my older brother makes fun of me for being alone all day, which does bother me. I just look at other people with their friends and partners and have seemingly just internalized that any kind of social existence is an impossibility for me. I'm not even sure that I'm awkward anymore, but people frequently tell me I'm extremely quiet, withdrawn and almost aggressively standoffish at times and I have never even noticed that I behave this way unless I'm in a really bad mood and am aware I am being a jerk. It just never seemed/came naturally for me to talk to others, and when I do, I find I can't really relate to people as well as I want to. And I do find people quite interesting, and am capable of understanding their feelings and motivations to a degree that implies I'm not autistic so I think I may have just really drawn the shit end of the stick personality wise.

    I mean, all I know how to really do is write small novels in comments all over the internet.