• LoudMuffin [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It's weird how even Mexico, which is in essence a failed/failing state outright in where the legitimate executor of violence is becoming blurred between cartels and the government still manages to at least half ass tackle its social problems.

    Last time my dad went all of the candies and snacks he brought back had HUGE, bright labels on them talking about the caloric content and how you should not feed these to children and how you will get fat and die (you are in the hole!!!) which is honestly kind of :thinking-about-it:

    meanwhile everyone in USA is in absolutely awful health, half my coworkers have some kind of chronic injury or disease and it's just like "OH WELL NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT"

    And it's not to say that these measures are effective, but I think we suffer a deeper problem in the USA where no one can even say anything is wrong let alone make a show of half concern like this. If you even mention that we're all obese or chronically sleep deprived or really anything wrong you just get shouted down. Meanwhile, in Mexico pretty much EVERYONE knows everything is fucked and at least protests against the govt. in some capacity however small or tries to fucking do something about the violence by strapping up

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      2 years ago

      what's that you say? more corn syrup in the whole wheat bread? :biden-troll: you got it Jack

    • CopsDyingIsGood [he/him]
      2 years ago

      we suffer a deeper problem in the USA where no one can even say anything is wrong let alone make a show of half concern like this. If you even mention that we’re all obese or chronically sleep deprived or really anything wrong you just get shouted down
