“This isn’t anything special. It’s pretty basic”
“This isn’t hard. I can do this myself at home”
“Why are you spending money on this? It’s literally just [lists ingredients]”
Holy fucking shit shut the fuck up im trying to enjoy this fucking meal why do you tag along and waste my money and time
I'm a cook that started out as a dish washer and when I go out with friends and the restaurant serves food on wooden boards or god forbid those metal trays I will sometimes make a note of complimenting the food but saying the wooden boards or metal trays are tacky.
You're wet from doing dishes for hours in a hot ass kitchen and the owner (not head chef) brings in a crate of wooden boards to be used for "aesthetics" (despite not a single person ever complaining their burger and chips were on a plate and not a piece of wood) which has to be dried manually out of the dish washer and periodically waxed. And metal trays that A: don't fit the dish racks properly, B: shaped in a way the dishwasher can't properly clean unless you stack them flat which is completely inefficient rap during a rush, C: has to be completely dried so a piece of paper with the restaurant logo can be placed at the bottom and D: conducts too much heat so things fresh out the oven like brisket placed on a thin sheet of paper in the tray will still heat up the metal and burn the waitstaff's forearms.
Also changing the name of mashed potatoes to pomme puree on the menu and charging $3 more for the same thing to to fatten the bottom line despite no-one getting a raise that's not the minimum wage going up. Yes I am bitter.
On your last bit tho, I'm normalizing demanding massive raises where I am rn
That's when you pack up and work at a different place.