Twitch is the same way, but youtube is working fine. Hexbear loaded correctly when I first installed this distro, then it just stopped working the next day without anything being changed.

I remember seeing someone else mention a similar problem a while back, but I couldn't find that post when I tried searching for it.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Didn't fix it. Actually the problem may be more specific than this: I was able to login, check inbox, and come to this post in firefox just fine, but on the main page the little bear just spins forever and none of the dropdowns work.

    • unperson [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Another idea is to press F12 to open the dev tools, go to the network tab, and refresh the page. If something is not loading it will be highlighted in red and it will tell you the reason.

      It might be some addon messing things up, you can launch firefox with no addons with firefox --safe-mode.

      Does it happen in a "private" window?

      • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
        5 months ago
        Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: ServiceWorker script at for scope encountered an error during installation.
        Uncaught (in promise) NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED: 

        Twitch is the same error message. A private window works for both, safemode doesn't work for either. So this is, what, a usergroup permissions issue with where it wants to cache something, and the private window avoids that by not trying to write anything?

        • unperson [he/him]
          5 months ago

          It sounds exactly like that. Perhaps you ran firefox as root at some point?

          I'd say:

          • delete the cache:
          rm -rf .cache/mozilla
          • set yourself as the owner of everything under ~/.mozilla:
          chown -Rc $(id -u):$(id -g) ~/.mozilla
          • make sure you can write to everything under /.mozilla:
          chmod -Rc u+w ~/.mozilla

          If you get permissions errors, run them with sudo.

          • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
            5 months ago

            It was the firefox that came preinstalled in the distro and I only ever ran it from the icon on the panel, but someone else's advice to install the flatpack version worked so I just swapped to that. Thanks for taking the time to try to help, anyways.