That wasn't meant as a political statement. It's just my voice at its funniest. Oh, but it wasn't all fun and games. There were a few name-calling incidents during the production. According to police, [REDACTED] and I went at each other like their house was on fire and they were fighting for their life. (OK, I know I may be exaggerating, but what can you say? He's not wrong.) And that's fair. We all do stupid things sometimes. But it was not all-out war, we were always just talking over each other, and I am really sorry for that. It's not fun to be on the receiving end of that kind of teasing, I can tell you that. I may not be the world's most pleasant person, but that is my fault, not his.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone who sent me fan and or hate mail. It was really encouraging to hear from you, and while I have no idea who the hell half of you are, I would still like to know who you are. So, write me a letter, tell me a story, sign up for my Discord server, anything. If you've got any ideas on how to improve my comedy, any of your friends have terrible but hilarious friends who could benefit from some public humiliation, get them to write me, all of it is welcome. Because I think I can learn from even the worst of them.

Now, what's next for the show? Well, it's been kind of impossible to get a hold of the videos the other people recorded. I'm guessing we're still waiting on a few people to take a few minutes to type the final scene and change the caption out of the black. But since we've been limited in our video production options, we are switching to a format you've all been waiting for.

A digital-only release. I'll be using my stipend to pay for that. If you're interested, please share this with your friends and we'll go from there. The music is also done, so I can start selling soundtracks on my official Soundcloud account. This is the only thing keeping this show free.

And finally, I'd like to say sorry for not getting back to people sooner. You have every right to be angry with me, and if you have questions or just want to vent your spleen, feel free to send me a message or post a message on my discord server. Thanks for being so patient, and I'll try to do better.

  • This week's "unauthorized episode" ended up pretty serious, so I'm sorry if that doesn't make for very funny reading. I apologize in advance.

  • I am aggressively ignoring any “fanfics” from former contributors.

  • Thank you to everyone who contributed to my Patreon. Every penny goes towards funding my live show in Pensacola in April. It's free and open to the public, and I'm really looking forward to it. If you're interested in helping out but you're not in Florida, check out my crypto links to find out about how you can donate your money to me directly.

  • Also, if you're here to offer me money, you're not allowed to try to get me to see a psychiatrist. And we're not talking about just one psychiatrist. A doctor who accepts my insurance would be a good start.

  • Also, I'm sorry if it took me this long to read all the emails I received this week. I have about 500 unread emails in my inbox right now, and if you sent me a long email, I'm still really sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet. Your email deserves better than that. If you sent me one and I never responded, please know that I am sorry. I get annoyed by all the unlicensed _BALL alts so I am re-releasing under a new license. I hopefully plan to just scrap all this crap and make a new IP but a certain asshole is deadset on ruining the entire chaos chat into the ground. I'll still get all the mail from you kids on here, just ignore any sent to my email address.

  • A thank you to everyone who has submitted "fan" mail. If you haven't sent me a letter or I haven't gotten it yet, please don't feel bad, there is probably a good reason why. I just get a lot of mail.

  • To my brothers over at Eglin, I really do love the stuff you make. It's funny and helpful, and I am honored to have been featured there.

  • For those who have asked for more content, I hope to write some blog posts this week and I've been asked about podcasting. I really hope to be on a podcast this spring.

  • And finally, I've also been asked to do a magazine piece about my journey with Mindfuck and here we are!

Thank you for the emails this week and a very special thank you to everyone who sent me video/sound clips or said something in the comments section.

We had the pre-production of the Under_Score franchise planned out for late 2021 but both our head actor and webmaster are currently seeking mental health treatment. As for me I am busy trying to seek out this mess because it looks like I have to go pay up for collateral. Once spring break comes I promise to hire some new crew for the radical section internally and from Hex and Reddit. We have some good new talent from Cracked and the SA implosion lately running good operations on Twitter. We plan to bring back some people you might recognize from the online leftist/weird sphere. We will start shooting in mid-April and hope to make some big splashy media moments very soon. Don't hold your breath though, I've already been warned that we are on a slippery slope with the wreckers.

  • I also made some YouTube videos this week. I always said I was good at filming, but unfortunately I have not practiced much on a set in a while. I'll probably be spending some time in an editing bay to teach myself some basic editing techniques.

  • I've also been asked to teach on Reddit, so I might end up doing a live streaming segment next week and posting it on that fucking hellsite. If we do this, just find me in the threads and ask me questions or interact with me.

Thank you again for being so amazing and supportive. We are such a weird community with such a weird future. I hope you get some amazing 4/20s.

That's regretfully all from gur crbcyr erfcbafvoyr sbe ONFRQ_ONYY,

t. CC ModAnon