Milk milk lemonade around the corner chocolate's made. 🥛🥛🍋🍫

    5 months ago

    It's really not clear why Dutton is going off hard on these tax cuts. Most people will be better off than they otherwise would have been if it had of gone ahead according to the previous design. He's the only one who seems mad.

      5 months ago

      because labor bad is the only policy he has and by god, he's gonna jam it everywhere.

        5 months ago

        Ok but even as a political move it doesn't make sense because no one is going to line up to agree with him, including many who might ordinarily vote liberal.

          5 months ago

          While it doesn’t make sense and still hasn’t for a decade they keep going on about soul searching and looking at the party values and reevaluating it when they lose and yet they haven’t changed a thing about how they campaign or present to the average people.

          All they do is smear campaigns and talk bad of Labor and that’s it.

          I don’t understand why they keep following this path.

            5 months ago

            Because it easy and it works.

            Look at Trump in the US.

            You don't need a platform you just have to be against things (including best interests of the voters).

            The last 30 years of gutting education is paying dividends for populist candidates

          5 months ago

          Sadly due to decades of media bias there's plenty who will just ignore that it's Dutton saying it and still agree at the kneejerk outrage against Labor

          5 months ago

          If political beliefs were aligned with objective truth the world would be a very different place.

        5 months ago

        The fact that he's the best the LNP has to offer as far as leadership speaks volumes of the party.

        The fact that he's actually a contender for PM speaks volumes of how brainwashed this country is.

        He's trying to start a culture war to divert attention from the class war we should be having.

          5 months ago

          Agree re his leadership. I'm somewhat politically neutral in that there are ideas that I find sensible from both the labour and liberal party. But from the liberal party they tend to be small L liberal values which the party doesn't seem to align with anymore?

      5 months ago

      The wrong people (in his opinions) are benefitting.

      He doesn't care about the average Australian and just wants to make noise for the sake of making noise.

        5 months ago

        Yes but the average Australian makes up most of the voting based so it seems bizarre he would make himself deliberately unpopular.

        It's always weird seeing politicians living in bubbles and both sides do it. For example labour drank the cool aid when they kept pushing the voice when it was obviously going to fail hard.

          5 months ago

          The average Australian won't read past the headline.

          People have short attention spans and rely on minimal information.

          The voice was an absolute bungle by Labor. But if that's the worst thing they've done it pales in comparison with the decade of LNP fuckery.

          Sadly it will be in the media and people will focus on it.