cw sexual assault

So the town of Sodom hears that there are two angels at Lot's house, so they go over and say "hey, we want to rape your guests". Then Lot goes "no, rape my daughters instead", to which they respond "no, we want to rape the guests". Then God goes "you know what? I'm barbecuing the city and the one next door, Lot, you and your family leave, but don't look back". Then Lot's wife does look back, so she gets turned into a seasoning.

like... the fuck?

  • SteamedHamberder [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Some Genesis scholars have the book explain regional tribal/ imperial relationships. The Sodom and Gemorrah story explained the taboo against marrying Ammonites and Moabites (since their nations were descended from incest) along with explaining ancient ruins along the Dead Sea coast.