cw sexual assault

So the town of Sodom hears that there are two angels at Lot's house, so they go over and say "hey, we want to rape your guests". Then Lot goes "no, rape my daughters instead", to which they respond "no, we want to rape the guests". Then God goes "you know what? I'm barbecuing the city and the one next door, Lot, you and your family leave, but don't look back". Then Lot's wife does look back, so she gets turned into a seasoning.

like... the fuck?

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Sodom might have been a Tenguska-sized asteroid that vaporised a Syrian city in 1650BCE. That article about it has some really interesting breakdowns of the damage it caused.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        3 years ago

        pottery sherds with outer surfaces melted into glass, some bubbled as if ‘boiled’; melted and ‘bubbled’ mudbrick fragments; partially-melted roofing clay (with wattle impressions); and melted building plaster

        Based on the distribution of human bones on the upper and lower tall, we propose that the force of a high-temperature, debris-laden, high-velocity blast wave from an airburst/impact (i) incinerated and flayed their exposed flesh, (ii) decapitated and dismembered some individuals, (iii) shattered many bones into mostly cm-sized fragments, (iv) scattered their bones across several meters, (v) buried the bones in the destruction layer, and (vi) charred or disintegrated any bones that were still exposed.

        I can't seem to find it but I remember reading about one more or less intact skeleton that was under a mudbrick doorway and had raised their arm in a defensive posture. The idea of living through that, even for a few seconds, is big nope. It fused the carbon in the ground almost to the point of creating diamonds.

        Now imagine being the schmuck in a merchant caravan just outside the city. One moment it's there, the next the entire city has been erased by the sky.