It's frustrating how worthless user ratings have become as valid criticisms are drowned out by accusations of WOKE.

  • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
    3 years ago

    There was nothing worse than browsing /r/wot and seeing people saying "they gave too many character moments to Nyneave/Egwene and left Rand/Mat/Perrin in the dust as a result" and starting to nod along only to read the rest of the post and see "because the show is WOKE and SJW and HATES MEN!" and realize you're going to have to preface every post about the show with "I swear I'm not an incel, I just have some issues with the writing" forever.

    • Runcible [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, I'm a little guilty of this because I hated the dragon reborn could be a woman this time we just don't know, but it is because I think the gender swapped original sin is an important part of the setting and the part where male channelers go insane is real important for understanding why next to no one is onboard with the prophesized savior & I just can't talk about it most places cause I don't want to provide a screen for the SJWs ruin everything bullshit.

      • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm honestly not that broken up about it so long as they make it clear the idea that the DR could be a woman is just pure copium on the White Tower's part. My real issue is that they spent a bunch of time building up the question of who the DR is (and having to sacrifice a lot of character development to keep the answer from being obvious) and zero time on what the DR is, which is integral to the entire plot. If an Aes Sedai shows up in your village accusing one of four teenagers of being the DR, she would end the night at the gallows on general principle. Instead it's just presented as "the strongest channeler ever" and a mild comment or two about breaking the world.

        They could've salvaged a lot of it if they'd just had the prologue as the cold open to the finale, but instead we got Lews Therin getting character-assassinated by implying he picked a fight with the Dark One because one of his frat bros dared him to rather than making it clear it's a desperate hail mary to stave off universal annihilation.

        • Runcible [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Yeah there is a lot that's glossed over. They didn't actually touch on the saidin/saidar distinction, the taint, the war of shadow. I've had friends ask me what the differences are and it's actually pretty hard to figure out where to start.

          Definitely agree on the what is the dragon reborn point. Also even without giving the motivations for LTT just explaining why being him reincarnated isn't super exciting would have given some context. Some of the prophecy material about "and they shall weep for their salvation" would have also gone a long way.

          • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
            3 years ago

            You'd think they'd have peppered the entire show with prophecies given how fucking well written those are, but I guess Loial's actor was too busy


            being stabbed to do any voiceovers for them

            • Runcible [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              I actually really enjoy the prophecies. Don't know if you'd have any interest in it, and it can be real hit and miss, but there's the r/wetlanderhumor sub that can be pretty entertaining for WoT jokes/memes

              • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
                3 years ago

                Oh that wasn't sarcasm. The Karaethon Cycle is legit dope as hell. And I'm already well acquainted with that barrel of jokes about water.