Even managed to learn how to exit it.

I have evil mode and org mode installed, one because I will die before using their stupid-ass default keybindings, and the other because it looks rad.

Hmu with customization guides/resources/stuff I can look up and do with it that'll convince me to stay pls. I would have used doom but it was slow af on my PC, especially compared to vim.

  • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm on Arch. I'll look into the daemon and emacsclient, but just launching "emacs" or using xdg-open to open a text file in emacs with the spacemacs config is terrible. It opens instantly but I get progress bars and shit that take 5-10 seconds to finish up whatever they're doing.

    Doom was significantly faster fwiw but still slower to start, get into editing, and exit than my very barebones neovim config.

          • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I've barely done anything yet, but just wanted to drop back here to say emacs --daemon and then launching sessions with emacsclient -nc is already INCREDIBLY faster, thanks a lot. This feels a lot more usable now. I'll hack away at the other stuff to make that behaviour the default for sure. Thanks again.