Even managed to learn how to exit it.

I have evil mode and org mode installed, one because I will die before using their stupid-ass default keybindings, and the other because it looks rad.

Hmu with customization guides/resources/stuff I can look up and do with it that'll convince me to stay pls. I would have used doom but it was slow af on my PC, especially compared to vim.

    • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
      4 years ago

      neovim gang

      I have a feeling this is pretty much where i'm headed but i'd like to give it a fair shake anyway

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Have a look at my config for some ideas.

    Here's a quick rundown:

    • Outshine mode to make comments in my init.el act as folding headers as if it were Org Mode. Helps make sections of the config file very easy to locate.

    • Straight.el for package management. All required packages will be fetched on a clean install. The only thing needed is the init.el file.

    • LSP mode (language server protocol/ autocompletion support) for C, C++, Rust, and Typescript. This will require clangd, rust-analyzer, or tsserver respectively.

    • Harfbuzz fontshaping for programming ligatures (turns -> into , => into , etc. Has some kinks though)

    • Magit (an absolutely amazing Git interface)

    Additionally, I'm running the native-comp branch of Emacs which uses GCC to compile Emacs Lisp into native machine code.

    Here's a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/NS62qMD.png

    • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'll pretend to understand everything you just said lmao, but i'll definitely look into it. Thanks a lot!

    • kundun_i_liked_it [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Additionally, I’m running the native-comp branch of Emacs which uses GCC to compile Emacs Lisp into native machine code.

      I don't use emacs but i remember hearing about a lot of attempts to increase elisp speed that fizzled out after a while: guiilemacs, remacs, etc. it's cool to know that one of them worked.

      • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        It hasn't been incorporated into the main branch yet, and it is still an early project, but it is already being hosted in the official GNU repositories, and seems very promising. Aside from the native-comp work, the latest stable Emacs is now deserializing JSON entirely in C, which has made language server performance on large projects competitive with VSCode - which opens the door for full project introspection in realtime from Emacs Lisp.

  • btr2mrw [he/him]
    4 years ago

    M-x tetris

    also, did you look at spacemacs at all? i havent used emacs in a long time, but if i were to get back into it I'd probably try that first.

    • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I did look at spacemacs but it's too slow on my hardware. Shit loads for 10 seconds when fire up a text file.

    • mittens [he/him]
      4 years ago

      VS Code is cool, don't let anyone talk you down, buddy.

  • spez [any]
    4 years ago

    Org mode is amazing if you have a use for it, especially with orgmode Babel installed. I decided I hate using emacs but org mode is sexxxxxxxx.

    • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's slow as shit on my hardware if I launch a file, I expect to be able to edit it on launch, not 10 seconds of progress bars after launch

        • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm on Arch. I'll look into the daemon and emacsclient, but just launching "emacs" or using xdg-open to open a text file in emacs with the spacemacs config is terrible. It opens instantly but I get progress bars and shit that take 5-10 seconds to finish up whatever they're doing.

          Doom was significantly faster fwiw but still slower to start, get into editing, and exit than my very barebones neovim config.

                • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  I've barely done anything yet, but just wanted to drop back here to say emacs --daemon and then launching sessions with emacsclient -nc is already INCREDIBLY faster, thanks a lot. This feels a lot more usable now. I'll hack away at the other stuff to make that behaviour the default for sure. Thanks again.