
    • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
      3 years ago

      If you want a name for him, call him NEETzsche

      puts down popcorn

      It speak volumes of the fundametal inferiority of the Americanoid phenotype when, at the base level, all you have rattling around in the (otherwise empty) deepest parts of your psyche are "unemployed person bad", "weak person bad", and "person-job=trash". I am slowly starting to see why third worldists have a point, you fucking barbarians truly have no sense of human worth or compassion, even among the most based of you. Absolutely dissappointing.

      • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Honestly, if I were into debates at all, I would lock you and @Skoubalon into a chat together and watch you guys duke it out rhetorically for like a week. This has got to be the 3rd time this shit has come up in like 2 days.

          • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
            3 years ago

            Excuse me, Nietzche made several scathingly based critiques of the Christian morality underpinning capitalism, fundamentally important to understanding the superstructure. The person you are arguing with clearly stated with good arguments that although Nietzche himself was not a Nazi (nationalist genocidal subhuman trash), he was reactionary in other ways, for example, his conception of women.

            Nazis only like him because they misinterpreted his works, modern day Nazis like him for the same reason. In fact, they are fully emmeshed in the very religious tendencies he critiques.