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Simply mention with the text "draw for me " and then the text that you would like it to draw and I will draw you an image matching your prompt, post it in this community and then reply with a link to each image! Optionally you can provide a "style:" as well. Example: []( draw for me a beautiful night style: fantasy

This is a free service provided through the AI Horde. Please consider supporting us on Patreon or onboarding your own worker onto the horde if you enjoy this bot!

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    5 months ago

    C'est cool et impressionnant..... Mais franchement à quoi ça sert vraiment ?? Si je veux une image je peux en chercher une sur internet, non ?

    Et je reste toujours étonné de voir qu'une techno si energivore ne rencontre pas plus de réticence dans les usages. 😣

      5 months ago

      Disons qu'ici c'est une image personnalisée.

      Sur le côté énergie, j'ai déjà fait tourner ce genre de modèles sur mon PC, franchement ça va

      • oce 🐆
        5 months ago

        Mais tu n'as pas entraîné ce modèle toi-même, c'est l'entraînement qui consomme énormément.

    5 months ago What can you tell about myself ? What are my beliefs and values ?

    Bien sur, au nom du père et du saint esprit je n'ai pas eu accès à tes commentaires mais j'ai tout de meme retrouvé les votes et calculé ton karma. :)

      5 months ago draw for me a city with garden, bicycle, solarpanel, common transport, without any cars.

      Result :

      Style: fustercluck

      *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

      • AI Horde Bot@lemmy.dbzer0.comB
        5 months ago

        Here are some images matching your request

        Prompt: a city with garden, bicycle, solarpanel, common transport, without any cars.

        Style: fustercluck

        *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

        5 months ago draw for me a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.

        Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.

        Style: fustercluck

        *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

        • AI Horde Bot@lemmy.dbzer0.comB
          5 months ago

          Here are some images matching your request

          Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens, bicycle, solarpanel, bus, without any cars.

          Style: fustercluck

          *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

          • AI Horde Bot@lemmy.dbzer0.comB
            5 months ago

            Here are some images matching your request

            Prompt: a city with vegetable crops and gardens. And a bicycle and bus lane. Some houses have solarpanel on their rooftop.

            Style: fustercluck

            *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

          5 months ago

          ça manque un peu d'originalité. C'est juste des grosses jardinières qui occupent des rues bien larges.

    5 months ago What do you know about my account?

    Reprenons les données :

    • 480 Posts, 1000 karma : 2karma per post
    • 2.71K Comments, 781 karma : 3,5 karma per comment

    Compte existant depuis 7 mois soit :

    • 480/(30*7) = 2 posts par jour donc 4 karma/jour
    • 2710/(30*7) = 13 commentaires par jour soit 45,5 karma/jour

    Donc le compte de Snoopy a un taux de change de 49,5 karmas par jour. Ça sert à rien mais j'aime bien faire des calculs débiles.

    5 months ago draw for me hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life. Unfiltered wellspring of imagination, emotion, and foreboding. Invisible dimensions of reality.

    • AI Horde Bot@lemmy.dbzer0.comB
      5 months ago

      Here are some images matching your request

      Prompt: hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life. Unfiltered wellspring of imagination, emotion, and foreboding. Invisible dimensions of reality.

      Style: fustercluck

      *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

        5 months ago

        Ca marche bien (le résultat est ici:, par contre pas de réponse ici tiens

      5 months ago

      Le tag n'a pas l'air d'avoir été fait (pas de lien dans le nom du bot), ça ne marchera peut-être pas

    • AI Horde Bot@lemmy.dbzer0.comB
      5 months ago

      Here are some images matching your request

      Prompt: an army of cats reading French literature books in the style of Eugène Delacroix.

      Style: fustercluck

      *removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image**removed externally hosted image*

    5 months ago

    Tiens, on a un bot ChatGPT aussi? Ce serait bien d'avoir un bot Mixtral (IA open-source, sur un réseau open-source)

    5 months ago What do you know about my account?