Carnist freaks think it's funny to own the vegan company by talking about their animal abuse and consumption of corpses

Soooo funny 🤪🤪

  • Nephroni [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I mean Peta may have some problems, and may have made some wrong choices over the years, but I'll be dammed if I listen to criticism of the organization from someone who literally eats dead animals.


    • Kanna [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Exactly. My stance on PETA? They're fine. Not entirely good, not entirely bad

      But these goddamn omnis want to move the conversation to criticizing everything a vegan company has ever done instead of actually talking about animal liberation

      I'll worry about PETA when Tyson/Perdue/ect have closed their slaughterhouses