This was on the front page of Reddit, but the headline misses the real story

From the Wikipedia:

Already in his 2014 essay, De Roos noted that in Makt myrkranna, the Count strongly expressed elitist and Social-Darwinist opinions.[15] While discussing his family portraits at the gallery with Harker, he explains how the strong have the right to rule over the weaker and exploit them.[16]

In his analysis of November 2017, Berghorn elaborates on this observation, explaining that the völkisch movement had emerged as a major force in Germany by the 1890s and already some of the völkisch leaders were advocating killing the mentally and physically disabled as their very existence threatened the purity of the Herrenvolk ("master race"). Putting such Social Darwinist and racist language into the mouth of Count Dracula was a way of caricaturing the popularity of Social Darwinism with elites in both Europe and the United States in the 1890s.[7] Before he goes insane, Dr. Seward thinks after reading a newspaper about the state of the world:

"By the way, the telegram section of the newspaper announces several strange news – lunatic behavior and deadly riots, organized by anti-Semites, in both Russia and Galicia as well as southern France – plundered stores, slain people – general insecurity of life and property – and the most fabulous tall tales about "ritual murders," abducted children and other unspeakable crimes, all of which is ascribed in earnestness to the poor Jews, while influential newspapers are instigating an all-encompassing extermination war against the "Israelites." You would think this is in the midst of the Dark Ages!...Now, once again, it seems that a so-called "Orlean" conspiracy is tracked down – while at the same time the free Republicans in France are celebrating with exaltation the exponent of slavery and despotism in the East...It is a strange time in which we live, that is sure and true.---Sometimes it seems to me as if all the insane fantasies, all the crazy ideas, the whole world of crazed and scattered notions, into which I, as a madhouse doctor, for years have been forced to enter in the care of my poor patients, now begin to take shape and form and gain practice in the course of the world's major events and tendency".[7]

In addition, It looks like the translator actually thought sex was cool and good instead of whatever neurosis the English had going on

From Wikipedia;

In Dracula, Harker soon feels repulsed by the Count's "brides". In the Nordic variants, he is continuously attracted to her and disobeys the Count's instructions to meet her secretly at various occasions. This and other elements add to an erotic atmosphere almost absent from Dracula.

And hey! In this one women are more than helpless victims

The wiki:

In the Nordic variants, it is Mina, together with Harker's employer Hawkins and the detectives Tellet and Barrington, who conducts investigations in Transylvania and visits Castle Dracula. Mina is never attacked by Dracula

Kinda sick. Apparently it's also better writing. I'm a fan of the various incarnations of the Dracula story so this is really cool to me.

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