• SerLava [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Nah, that's silly

    The Death Star is 80,000 times larger than a Borg Cube and can blow up an entire planet.

    Obviously anything's possible with some sneaky-sneaky assimilation growing out of control. But in terms of an actual ship to ship fight, come on, your body is about 80,000 times larger than a gnat.

    I get second hand embarrassment from people saying stuff like that. Literally if I asked a Marvel fan: Who would win, the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, or the titular character from my book, "Guy Who Automatically Wins Every Fight, Magically, Without Even Trying", like half of people would say my book sucks and so logically, the Hulk would punch him really hard, or whatever. It's so dumb.

    Like no, it literally does not matter how shitty you think this book is, it's literally canon that your favorite super hero can lose, and canon that mine can't. If you fail at objectivity that hard why even bother talking about anything jesus christ

    (Yes this is about Superman)

      • SerLava [he/him]
        8 months ago

        More like people who think some well written character could beat Superman, a dog shit character who can throw planets, go faster than light, or do whatever the fuck they feel like he can do

        "Oh well they would get kryptonite and" and Superman would just throw the planet into the sun. Even Superman's own content has to just pretend he's weaker than he was last time

        It would be kinda interesting to think about approximately when Goku became stronger than Superman

        • Smeagolicious [they/them]
          8 months ago

          Probably around Battle of Gods when they had the throwaway line about Goku & Beerus’s punches shaking the entire universe. I love Dragon Ball but it’s gotten sillier and sillier over time, which if I’m being honest I’m 100% here for

        • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
          8 months ago

          a dog shit character

          "Supermans boring because he's strong" is a bad take. Comics arent just about the fights. Dont let power scalers fool you. The good superman stories have little to do with fights. They're about the person and his relationships.

          We had a whole thread about this smh.

          • SerLava [he/him]
            8 months ago

            Character maybe not, but powers? Yes, dog shit. A good writer could write a good story about "Guy Who Automatically Always Wins for No Reason"

    • TraumaDumpling
      8 months ago

      which is why the 1st borg cube gets destroyed, after which the borg adapt their shields and technology and tactics to whatever weaponry the death star has, with the combined military experience and technological knowledge of a bunch of different species.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        8 months ago

        the second borg cube adapts to the frequency of the death star laser and then is still turned into subatomic particles because it's enough energy to blow up a planet

        • Abracadaniel [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Can a death star target some thing as small and maneuverable as a Borg cube?

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          8 months ago

          But maybe one of the Borg cubes beams a group of drones onto the death star before they're blown up, meaning that even if the cubes die the Collective still gains a borgified superweapon.

          • SerLava [he/him]
            8 months ago

            The assimilation strategy is very legit, the shield thing is what's stupid. I think anyone but the dumbest Star Wars weirdo would admit that yeah borg could walk up on stormtroopers

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      8 months ago

      This reminds me of one that comes up sometimes on whowouldwin.

      In Worm there is a character, Contessa. Her power is that (entire web serial spoilers)


      an alien supercomputer in another dimension is connected to her brain. It's so powerful that she imagines an outcome and it simulates the entire world and gives her a series of actions she can take to achieve that goal, which can be as simple as where when and how to move around and make attacks to win a fight, to as complicated and open ended as "how do I prevent unspecified threats from ending the world." The alien supercomputer also makes sure she is incapable of screwing up its perfect instructions via human error or slow reaction speeds.

      Her only weakness is that physically she's a very fit middle-aged woman, not superhumanly strong.

      Whowouldwin consistently insists that this absolutely unfairly strong character couldn't possibly beat Batman.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        8 months ago


        That's absolutely insane. Never heard of this, but couldn't she literally just get a rifle, a couple of boards, a stopwatch, and a protractor, and literally just shoot a gun into the air and hit batman in the head from 2 miles away? Couldnt she hack any computer including all of Batman's shit? They are very close to saying Batman could toss a cheeky batarang at God

        • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Yeah, that is easily within her capabilities.

          At one point she performs a relatively similar stupid gun trick and


          removes the part of another superhuman's brain that lets them control their powers, by shooting them in the head with a handgun in the exact right spot to turn off their powers without killing them or otherwise causing brain damage.

          But she's not their special boy, Batman, so they're like "Batman can dodge bullets, because one writer in 2006 wrote a comic where he did that one time, and therefore he'd just dodge the bullet and speed blitz her."

          • SerLava [he/him]
            8 months ago

            Lol clearly someone got stuck writing batman when they wanted some other superhero