Its what you would excpect the rah rah rah, bombs away type rhetoric. But some interesting comments can be found around the web. You can find them yourself. ;)

  • jabrd [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Man multipolarity is going to come at gun point if nothing else. If you can’t enforce shipping lanes and regional powers have to that’s the end of the hegemon. It will be interesting to see if the the US continues to not even attempt a diplomatic solution in Palestine if they’re forced out because the occupation becomes untenable or if we somehow do war communism again to beat the Nazis. iirc I read that it would currently take two years production time to fully restock the navy with missiles at current rates let alone the cost to do so

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I read that it would currently take two years production time to fully restock the navy with missiles at current rates let alone the cost to do so

      "But don't worry Taiwan, we totes have your back. Pinky promise."