They aren't just monsters. They're boring. How many fucking times can they please themselves over yet another yacht? Violating children in remote corners of the world seems to never stop amusing them.

All that death and destruction specifically for a number on a ledger going up? Their food is expensive because its expensive and because they collectively agreed it is good because that's what the collective said, no matter how actually slimy and disgusting caviar is (yes, I have petite bourgeoisie in-laws and distant relations and my dislike of their oligarchical slime trays is because I have a "peasant's sense of taste." :capitalist-laugh: ). Their social lives are full each other and that's like a special kind of hell of their own making, even if they take it out on their servants and slaves.

Where's the supervillain flair? Where's the big bold moves that don't involve penis-shaped rockets imitating feats that the USSR pulled off well over half a century ago?

If they have to destroy the Earth and kill us all, can they at least be less fucking boring?

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    "No shit the workers don’t get a fair shake"

    "I’m just interested in rocketry and space travel"

    If you seriously cheer on the ongoing ruination of the planet via late stage capitalism because of space treats that may very well perpetuate and worsen said ruination because of who owns and commands them now, I'm not even sure what leftist principles you actually stand for.