This is my diy "weight rack holder thing" it's made entirely of scrap wood I cut and glued together to act as 2x4s because holy fuck that shits expensive AF right now. Also we have a fuck load of this scrap wood clustering the fuck out of our barn. Drilled holes about 3/4 the way through that were just big enough to fit the end of some threaded steel pipe into and able to screw them into the wood. The outer hole is slightly wider than the deeper one to allow the pipe to fit further in. Then a smaller hole going through it that I stuck bolts through and then filled with resin to help marry the pipe and the bolts for added support. So far they are holding strong and I've had it for a while now. Just screwing the ends I to the wood had them pretty sturdy the bolts and resin was probably overkill but hey, why chance it?

:arm-L: :train-shining: :arm-R:

Lift day went well. Improved on my Overhead press significantly from last week but still not up to my 4 sets of 10. Squats I did hit my 4x10 so will advance next week! Curls did 5 sets of 8 with the 34lb cans. Was a good session comrades.

My hip joints have been a little on the sore side all week so gonna be careful with that. Might take next week off if they keep bothering me. I have shit for hip mobility. Doubt I could ever do deep squats. I have done (almost) every trick the web can give me to help with this. They say some people just can't do them. I am one of those people.

I was an upside down pumpkin today. Orange shirt with green pants and tights. All my orange socks were dirty so I wore red. Colors all over the place.