
Here is a list of resources to learn about sex worker from actual sex workers who are engaged in the struggle for worker's rights:

  • https://www.nswp.org/resources/types/nswp-briefing-papers-248
  • https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/white-mans-burden-revisited/
  • https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/from-brothel-to-sweatshop-questions-on-labour-trafficking-in-camb/
  • https://titsandsass.com/the-massage-parlor-means-survival-here-red-canary-song-on-robert-kraft/
  • https://medium.com/purplerose0666/the-af3irm-agenda-b5ec31216904
  • https://medium.com/@katezenjoy/dear-esperanza-5aa7db4d501a
  • https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/decriminalising-sex-work-in-new-zealand-its-history-and-impact/
  • https://www.mayamorena.com/anti-equality-model-campaign/2021/5/22/pscegcnr680fh4oazlmwe8i5527o9j

Bigger repo of theory / resources:

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oWxx3yodCJJGxTmqgCeB6csVAeRkllSQq_VUe78MJA4/view

Books to check out:

  • https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36224357-sex-lies-statistics
  • WaterBear [they/them, comrade/them]
    2 年前


    I also think that there will be no wage sex work within communism, though what currently is close to the Nexus of what is sex work, sexual exploitation, violence etc. seems to be a network of many overreacting overlapping and separate things.

    While sex in communism can be something that isn't work, we can expand the description of work to incorporate things like reproductive work - which isn't too say that sex work is necessarily reproductive work or is meant as reproductive work. The same we can do for sex work. When I introspect into my idea of communism we will have two realms, the realm of necessity and the realm of freedom.

    In the realm of necessity we will have to produce to reproduce society and our bodily selves, in short we have to work, which is aimed human action, but part of that reproducing society is reproductive work. Sure we want to automate most of it and have nice queer parties, but there will be some amount of work in whatever form left. What I expect to be left after automation will be a good deal of reproductive like work.

    Beyond the realm of necessity (of which the shortening of the working day is it's condition to bear the other) there will be the realm of freedom in which humans act and work according to them being humans for their own sake. How I understand your argument is that sex in communism is in that second realm and therefore wouldn't be wage work, nor work for necessity and maybe not even work as work for humans sake.

    I'll think a bit about that.

    It feels as if conceptions of what work is okay a role. Sex is definitive laborious even if done for it's own sake.

    There is also the point of a lot what is close to the aforementioned Nexus is not really sex work but other social relations. For example krass exploitation of people in precarious situations or even with violence which take away the freedom to work somewhere else or for yourself is not really a kind of wage labourer and proletariat, and more a regressive way to extract profits and value from forced workers. Which is too say a lot of sex industry dealings aren't sex work and is one of the rifts in the discussion.